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- Walker, Shiloh
Cocksure (The Cochrans of Cocker County) Page 5
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Page 5
She laughed as Luke put a glass of lemonade in front of her, then another in front of me.
I’d rather have a glass of wine, but if I did, I’d fall asleep at the island.
I sipped at the lemonade and listened as Joanne caught Luke up on the latest gossip in the small town of Ulysses, then shifted to anecdotes of a recent trip to the summer festival in Madison with Chris and her granddaughters.
“Ellie was trying to finish a deadline and the girls were driving her crazy so we took the girls to the barbecue festival. I think Haley is on her way to becoming a blues singer. She won’t stop belting out bits and pieces of the music we heard.”
“Can she sing?” Luke asked, sliding the cheese and fruit plate in front of us. He settled on the stool next to his mother, almost directly across from me. I kept my attention on Joanne, who was always a safer bet.
“Yes, I think she can,” Joanne said after considering it for a minute. “I think Chris is already talking about getting her started on piano lessons.”
I picked up a piece of cheese, more out of a desire to be polite than out of any real hunger.
I figured if I waited another ten minutes, I could make my escape. I kicked my shoes off and curled my toes in, then relaxed them. Ten more minutes.
But Joanne was on her feet after five, lingering just long enough to kiss Luke on the forehead before coming to give me a quick hug. “It’s good to see you again, Sabrina. You two don’t come visit enough.”
“Blame the boss,” I said, nodding toward Luke.
“I’ll have to have a talk with him,” she said, grinning.
As she left, I started to inch my way off the barstool.
“You’re not going to leave me here to eat this all by myself, are you?” Luke asked, giving me a knowing stare.
“Ah...I’m kind of tired.”
He pointed at the plate. “If you don’t eat something, you’ll wake up with a headache.”
I narrowed my eyes at him.
“It happens all the time when we’re traveling.” He picked up a slice of apple and gestured with it. “You get this tight little line between your eyes and it takes two cups of coffee and a bunch of ibuprofen to make it go away.”
“Apparently you pay more attention to my eating habits than I do,” I said. He also knew my preferred treatment for dealing with the headaches that sometimes plagued me.
“Don’t ever accuse me of being unobservant.” He gave me another pointed look.
Sighing, I reached out and picked up one of the apple slices. “Fine. I’ll eat.”
Chapter Six
A small drop of the juice clung to her lip and I fantasized about going over there and licking it off. She eliminated the temptation by catching it with her tongue before taking another bite.
I had lost my mind.
I couldn’t stop thinking about that mouth, remembering the feel of it, and wondering at the taste.
I had taken over the job of getting drinks and digging out the fruit plate, hoping that if I just had something else on my mind, this weird obsession would fade. It had been a futile hope.
Watching her take that bite of apple was one of the sexiest damn things I’d ever seen.
Whoa. Hold up. Stop, I told myself. Hoping to buy a few seconds to get myself under control, I grabbed the glass of lemonade—I wished I had some vodka to mix it with, but no such luck. I drained half the glass, then put it down and blindly grabbed something from the plate, staring at anything that wasn’t Sabrina.
I couldn’t go around thinking Ina was sexy.
Not that she wasn’t. She was. It was just...hell, why hadn’t I ever really noticed that?
You did notice it, genius. And Kelly told you that if you slept with her, you’d better plan on finding a new agent.
Sure, the warning had come before I even met Sabrina.
Despite the warning, I’d definitely noticed she was gorgeous back when I’d opened the door to find her standing there, wearing a neat and tidy little navy blue skirt suit, nudging her glasses up her nose before introducing herself.
If she hadn’t been sent to help me get my sorry ass organized, I might have indulged in a few fantasies. But I’d already been scrambling to try to manage all the shit the studio had thrown my way in preparation for an upcoming promotional tour and when I’d asked her why she was there—naturally, I’d forgotten—she’d told me Kelly sent her. A faint smile had come and gone as she added, “I’m here to get you sorted out, Mr. Cochran.”
My mind drifted back to those few minutes.
I’d studied the cute, curvy woman standing in front of me, trying to decide if I’d wanted to even waste time talking to her. Kelly had told me she had a friend who’d be perfect as an assistant, but I hadn’t been so sure I’d even wanted one. I’d been imagining somebody...different.
I didn’t know what I had expected, but this woman who maybe would have stood five feet five in her bare feet wasn’t it. She’d had longer hair then, the thick black mass pulled into a knot on top of her head. Her hair, paired with the retro eyeglasses, had given her the look of a librarian. A fucking sexy one.
After staring at her for so long, she’d finally cleared her throat and asked, “Do you need help getting things organized, Mr. Cochran?”
My phone had buzzed at that moment and I’d looked at the screen to give myself a few seconds before I answered. The name on it had settled everything. “Come in,” I’d told her. “You’re hired. Now deal with this.”
She’d gaped at the phone I’d shoved into her hand. “Deal with what?”
“It’s the publicist for the tour I’ve got to do and she’s called three times already. I still haven’t packed. I don’t have time for this shit.”
I’d left her standing there, figuring she’d either sink or swim.
Ten minutes later, she presented me with a neatly jotted itinerary and a sheet of questions, suggestions and requests. “It helps if you know what you’re packing for, Mr. Cochran.”
“What’s that look on your face for, Luke?” she asked, jerking my attention back to the here and now.
I met her gaze. She had the prettiest, softest eyes—a rich, warm brown. Now there were shadows under them, giving her a fragile air, which was funny because there was nothing fragile about Sabrina Maxwell. As I continued to study her, she arched a brow.
“Uh...” I racked my brain trying to remember what she’d asked. It finally came to me and I said, “I was thinking about the day I hired you.”
She laughed and for some damn reason, I was excruciatingly aware of the low, husky sound. I’d been excruciatingly aware of pretty much everything she’d said or done since those few moments in the car.
“You mean the day you dropped your phone into my hand and turned me over to that evil sea witch?”
She was referring Ursula Boyton, the publicist hired by the movie studio. Not only had Ursula shared a name with the villain from a Disney movie—I had two sisters and a mother who were Disney freaks—she’d also had thick white hair that she wore in a spiky style similar to said villain. Even the makeup was the same—bright blue eyeshadow and red lipstick I’d once quipped might be made from the blood of her enemies. Once, after a rather strident...discussion with Ursula about a scheduling issue, Sabrina had muttered something. All I’d caught was sea witch, but I’d burst out laughing.
Sabrina watched me, a faint smile twitching the corners of her mouth.
“Yeah, that day. The best day of your life, right?”
“Luke, really...you need to work on your self-confidence.” She rolled her eyes and picked up a piece of cheese. After nipping off a bite, she pointed at me with the slice of cheddar. “And I’ll have you know the best day of my life was when Toni took over for Ursula.”
“You know you miss her.”
“About as much as you miss her,” she replied easily. She finished the piece of cheese, then rose. Gesturing at the plate, she a
sked, “Do you want more or should I put it up?”
“I’ll get it.” Sliding from the stool, I took the plate back to the counter and covered it with the elasticized plastic cover. I put it into the fridge. From the corner of my eye, I saw Sabrina moving closer and I watched as she rinsed out her glass. She turned to the dishwasher. I went to open it for her, reaching out just as she did.
I’m not quite sure how it happened, but we knocked hands. The glass she’d been holding in the other wobbled, then fell. It hit the counter, bounced off then fell to the Italian marble floor where it shattered into a million pieces.
And Sabrina stood there in her bare feet.
One thing I’d learned about Sabrina was that if she was comfortable, those shoes came right off. I’d gotten used to seeing her pace around my office or Kelly’s sans shoes as she discussed some scheduling point or suggested a certain charity event.
Now her feet were surrounded by shards of glass.
Without thinking, I stepped closer and caught her around the waist, then swung her up into my arms.
“Luke!” She shoved at my shoulders. “Put me down!”
“Sure. After we get you out of the pile of glass.”
“You’re going to break your back, carrying me.”
The absurdity of the thought made me laugh and I looked at her face as I lowered her onto the stool I’d just vacated. Her cheeks were flushed, eyes overbright.
My laughter faded. I couldn’t even remember what had brought it on as I stared down at her.
Her breathing hitched.
That was what did it.
That little catch in her breathing as she sucked in a broken gasp of air was what did me in. It was as if she wasn’t just drawing in air, but me, too. I didn’t stop to question the urge or myself or anything as I cupped her face in my hands and lowered my mouth to hers.
She tasted like citrus, the tart flavor of the lemonade sweeter than anything I could remember in recent history. I stroked my tongue into her mouth, already thirsty for more.
She sat there, all but frozen, and just when I’d managed to convince myself to stop, she suddenly came to life. It was as if a flashfire had enveloped her—and me. Heat sprang up between us. She curled her arms around my neck and opened for me.
I shifted closer, bumping into her knees. She spread them wider and I caught her around the hips, dragging her to the edge of the stool. I reached down and shoved the material of her skirt higher, moving to stand between her legs.
She moaned.
The sound of it was heady, almost intoxicating.
“Look what the...Whoa. Whoa, man...”
The sound of the voice didn’t connect at first.
When it did, I decided then and there that the next possible chance I had to kick my brother’s ass, I’d do it.
Sabrina had already gone stiff and I pulled away, slowly, staring down at her while my brother Devin stood in the doorway. Sabrina looked down, and the moment our gazes broke contact, the mood shattered. I shot Devin a disgusted look. He gave me an unrepentant grin and held up his hands as if to say, hey, not my fault.
“I...um...we need to get that glass cleaned up,” Sabrina said, sliding from the stool.
“I’ll get it. I don’t want you cutting yourself.” I caught her upper arm, my hand against the smooth bare skin.
“Um. Sure. Whatever. I think I’ll...um...I’m tired. I’m going to bed.” She barely looked at Devin. “Nice to see you again, Devin.”
He said, “Good night, Sabrina.”
Without saying a single thing, I went to the closet and jerked the door open. As I pulled out the broom, I heard the stairs squeaking. I waited until I heard a door open, then shut before focusing on Devin.
“Think I could have gotten a good night kiss like that if I’d asked?” He gave me a curious look.
It was meant as a joke. I knew it. But even so, the thought filled me with such a hot, burning rage that my hand clenched. “You even think about it, Dev, and I’ll kick your ass from here all the way to the Ohio.”
“It’s hot as a bitch around here already. I could use the cooling off,” he said cheerfully. “Think the river is clean enough, or should I grab a hazmat suit?”
Devin was a former EMT turned cop and also worked Search and Rescue with a nearby volunteer group. I wondered how up to par his EMT skills were, and if he could doctor himself up after I pounded him bloody. “Keep your hands off Sabrina,” I said, my voice edged with iron.
He started to comment, then stopped, head cocked as he studied me. “Hey, man. It was just a joke.”
Ignoring him, I went over to the mess of glass on the floor and started cleaning it up.
“I didn’t know you two had a thing going.” He paused, then added, “To be honest, I was a bit shocked a minute ago. I mean, after the news about...”
He trailed off. My face flushed red. I was never going to live down the latest publicity debacle that had taken place in my life and I only had myself—and tequila—to blame. “How about you mind your own fucking business, Devin?”
He was quiet for a long moment.
I could feel him watching me, though. “Whatever it is, just say it already, Dev. I’m tired.”
“I’m just...hell. Hell, you can’t blame a guy for wondering. First there’s that shit from a few weeks back, then you and Sabrina...” His brows dropped low over his eyes. “Luke, I like Sabrina. We all do.”
So did I.
I looked at him. “Like I said, mind your own business.”
He looked like he wanted to argue, but in the end, he just held up his hands and backed away.
Chapter Seven
I’d swear I could still feel his lips on mine.
Lying in the bed, staring up into the darkness, I pressed the tips of my fingers to my lips. Wow. I’d dreamed of how it would feel to be kissed by Luke Cochran—fantasized about it, daydreamed about it, obsessed about it—but nothing in my imagination could possibly compare to what it actually felt like to be on the receiving end of one of his kisses.
It wasn’t like he’d stripped me bare, but my entire body tingled. My nipples ached and my pussy was wet. I’d only had two other lovers in my life—a high school boyfriend that I’d lost my virginity to, then a guy I’d dated a couple of times in college. Brian had been pushing for a physical relationship, but I hadn’t been into him, so I’d called it off.
All in all, I’d had sex five times in my life and had only really enjoyed it the last two times.
The kiss Luke had laid on me had left me more aroused than the other, far more intimate acts with previous lovers.
My lashes drifted down and I thought about what it would be like to have Luke as a lover.
My brain threatened to melt at the idea. It wasn’t that I hadn’t thought about it before, even knowing it would never happen.
But now I’d had his mouth on mine and I knew his taste...
Unable to stop myself, even though I knew it was a bad idea, I tried to picture what might have happened if Devin hadn’t come in. It was a good thing he had, because if that kiss had lasted much longer, I would have humiliated myself by begging Luke for more, for anything, for everything.
If Devin hadn’t come in, I would have wrapped my legs around Luke’s waist and ground myself against the heavy ridge he’d nudged between my thighs. I would have pushed my hands into the raw, golden silk of his hair. I might have even let myself reach for the hem of the Bugs Bunny T-shirt he’d been wearing, pushed it up and run my hands across a stomach so clearly defined, it could have been crafted by a master sculptor.
And Luke...what would he have done?
I thought about him pushing up the hem of my skirt, feeling those big, rough hands on my hips as he tucked himself close against me once more, separated now by just his jeans and my panties. Okay, he might be wearing boxer shorts but in my daydream, there was nothing between us but rough
denim and smooth silk.
Maybe he’d tug the panties aside and touch me, slip his finger inside me.
At some point, I slid my hand down into my panties, and as I imagined his touch, I began to stroke myself. This was far from the first time I’d engaged in such activity, but it felt more...intense this time. Maybe because I now had some idea of what it could be like.
I whimpered, pressing my lips together to muffle the sound, having just enough presence of mind to remember there were probably other people sleeping in the quiet house who might hear me, even over the sound of the fan I used for white noise.
Bringing my legs up, I let my knees fall apart. Slowly, I pushed my finger inside my cunt, letting the heel of my hand rub against my clit. My skin was too hot, felt too tight and as I began to work myself against my own hand, in my mind, it was Luke touching me, whispering in my ear.
One of his earliest movies had been a hot, tender, romantic drama and there had been a sex scene in it where he’d whispered all sorts of dirty little things into the heroine’s ear.
I’d lost track of how many times I’d watched that movie, imagining it was me on the other end of those dirty words. Now I was imagining it all over again and I had knowledge of the way it felt to be touched by him. All of that culminated in firing my arousal level so high, it was a wonder I didn’t self-combust.
Do you like feeling me touch you?
I moaned, and this time, I completely forgot about the fact that I needed to be quiet, that at least one of Luke’s siblings had been here and could be using one of their old rooms, just down the hall from mine.
Moan for me, baby. I want to hear it...yeah, just like that.
Needing more, I added a second finger and begin to stroke harder, faster, while the fingers of my free hand slid down to manipulate my clit.
I bucked under the sensation.
Come for me...
Rolling onto my belly, I pressed my face into the pillow and rose onto my knees as I rolled and stroked and circled my clit. I imagined his hands gripping my hips as he pulled me back onto his cock.